Nationality: 🇵🇱
Coach for: UJFC U8 Lions 🦁 , Assoc. Fundraising Officer
Footballing History: Played junior football until U10 level
Supports: Derby County
Favourite Player of All Time: Marco Gabbiadini - First Derby shirt I owned had Marco 10 on the back.
Best UJFC Memory: Seeing the boys who had never played as a team together grow in the space of 8 months and finishing the season with 3 wins out of 4. Amazing to see how each of them has grown indivually, whilst also developing a great team bond and seeing them celebrating togther after scoring.
Interesting Fact/Story: I spent a week rafting the length of the Grand Canyon
Coaching Philosophy: Football - Keep it fun. Life - Hard Choices Easy Life, Easy Choices Hard Life